Vatii Kiri

The Silver Lining

Who's That Guy?

Age: 24/26 (ARR-EW)
Race: Xaela Au Ra (Dotharl)
Diety: Nhaama/Menphina
Gender: Situationally, a man.
Orientation: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Partners: Xelruna Larkspur, Ridel Moonshadow, G'raha Tia [5.3 Spoiler]
Azem Name: Kratos[6.0 Spoiler]
Family: Nylah Rivers, Tazzire Boreal, Tanza Kiri
Affiliations: Stormfall FC, Misfit Menagerie FC, Twin Adder GC
Jobs: Paladin, Samurai, Red Mage
World: Crystal | Diabolos


Vatii Kiri is a lover first, warrior a very close second, and a himbo every day of his life. He is brash, head strong, but unquestionably devoted to those he shares his life with. Prove a friend to him, and he will go to battle for you without a second thought. Endanger those he loves, and pray your legs can carry you fast enough.Though if you have gotten on his bad side, outsmarting him is not hard. Barely able to read, write, or count; Vatii Kiri is all brawn, no brain. Under no misconception of his intelligence, Vatii is ready to follow the lead of those he trusts to know better. That gets him into trouble from time to time, but if you need a loyal soldier, he's your man.And for what he lacks in intelligence, he makes up for in wisdom and empathy. Vatii will lend his horn to listen, his shoulder to cry on, and the sage advice that only comes from a big brother himbo.Vatii Kiri is a friend in waiting. Don't be afraid to say hi!He barely bites.

General Trivia

Likes: Fighting, f--king, hunting, and good food in exactly that order
Dislikes: Manipulation, dishonesty, bureaucracy, walking down stairs jumping's better
Hobbies: Sparring, cooking, doting on his lovers it counts if you do it like I do
Strengths: Incredibly strong, skilled warrior, caring, respectful
Flaws: Stubborn, gullible, a little arrogant, and he is... so dumb.

Have We Met?

Maybe You've Met in Battle?
Vatii is a soldier, enlisted in the Twin Adder as a lieutenant. He can usually be found on the battlefield. Perhaps you've fought back to back against Garlean forces? Maybe you crossed swords in Carteneu? He does look like that Au Ra who jumped straight off an airship into the fray back in Bozja...
Ever spent time out in the plains of the Steppe?
Vatii was born and raised in the Steppe, and though certain events have kept him from returning to Dotharl Khaa in recent months, he does enjoy hunting in the plains still. Since fellow Xaela can be a rare sight, he enjoys seeing his kinsmen through out Eorzea, and greets them all as cousin.
[A/N: In my version of Old Auri, U'nai means cousin and its common to refer to other Xaela this way. Feel free to refer to Vatii as such if you wanna talk about the Steppe!]
(18+ Only) Vatii's no stranger to casual fun, how about you?
Back in ARR, before he was famously known as one of the Warriors of Light, Vatii could often be found in taverns when he wasn't hunting or sparring. He was raised in a very open-minded culture, and views physical intimacy as casually as taking in a duel at the Wolves Den. He's calmed down a bit now that he's in a few comitted (open) relationships, but if he's not currently occupied... Go ahead and put it in your lore, it's free real estate.
- Casual RP is welcome!
- Love to attend events and get immersive.
- ERP requires a heads up and consent. Mentioning past affairs as a hook is fine.

It's In The Past


Vatii Kiri grew up in the plains of the Azim Steppe, as part of the Dotharl Tribe. Even though he was raised as a ruthless warrior, Vatii was, by Auri standards, a very sheltered child. He knew practically nothing of the world beyond the mountains, save for what was told to him by a little Miqo’te girl named Nylah. The daughter of a trader, she would bring with her stories of war torn lands and vast oceans. In turn, he would share with her the customs of his tribe; how to use all parts of the beast in a kill, how to sparr, and how to jump from great heights without the threat of death. However, as the wars of far off places came closer and closer, Nylah left for Eorzea, leaving him with only memories of a childhood friend.In her absence, Vatii sought out more family. He brought a young child abandoned by another tribe into his brood, his brother Tazzire. He helped to teach and protect a little girl by the name of Tanza, claiming her as sister. He trained until he was bloody, never doubted his place as a Dotharli Warrior, and earned the right to be told the legacy of his soul; he was Kiri. Valiant and ferocious warrior, passionate lover, born to burn bright and fast, dying young on the battlefield for those he loved. This he knew to be his destiny, and he would enjoy the time he had till there was none left.


As the years passed, Vatii grew stronger, training in physically brutal techniques passed down from his ancestors to be an even more adept killer. Fighting for sport was a way of life to the Dotharl, even if it was to the death. But these training methods unlocked abilities he was unable to fully control, resulting in several incidents where he was not able to stop himself from raging bloodthirsty attacks against friend and foe alike.These incidents grew in severity, until one day when he looked up, and saw that the sky was on fire. It took months for the full news of what had happened in Eorzea to reach the remote expanses of the Steppe, but when Vatii heard he was overtaken with unbearable fear. What if Nylah was lost in the Calamity? The possibility tipped the scales, and Vatii’s episodes grew more savage and frequent, culminating in a sparring accident that left several of his brood mortally wounded. He was forbidden to participate in the battles alongside the Dotharl, for fear that he would take down members of his own tribe instead of their enemies. This prompted him to leave the Steppe and head for Eorzea, in search of his long lost friend.The journey was long and difficult, but even so he loved every second. Seeing the beautiful cities and the endless seas he had only heard of in stories. On these seas, like ships passing in the night, a young Raen named Ridel taught him what it meant to be out in the world, and then was gone all too soon, vanishing from his sight till they would meet again as soldiers.Upon arriving in Eorzea however, the fear that hid in the back of Vatii's mind came back in full force. He wandered through Gridania, asking if anyone knew of a Miqo’te girl like his friend, searching for weeks. Finally, he came across a little Vieran mage, Xelruna, who recognized the name. Vatii followed her into the forests where he finally saw Nylah, all grown up, jumping from a cliff just like he taught her.After a very heartfelt reunion, Nylah recruited Vatii to the Twin Adder, and introduced him to a local lancers guild, to improve his mastery of the weapon. However, young, brash, and with very little respect for the fragility of life, Vatii witnessed the death of another young man who he had grown to care for deeply. This was his first lesson in the sanctity and preciousness of life outside the Steppe. He put down his spear, and instead took up a shield, journeying at Xelruna’s suggestion to train under the Paladins of Ul'dah. There, he would learn what it meant to be a protector, rather than a killer.

What's he up to now?

After the events of 6.0, and the revelation that his diety, his mother, was not what he believed, Vatii felt lost. It was only after the realization that his power didn't come from the light of the moon, but the force of dynamis, and the strength of his love for others, that he finally started to feel his confidence return.He is currently training as a red mage, traveling the world helping any who need it so he can foster his connection to this magical energy in him, that he might start believing in a power that doesn't come from a god or a crystal, but himself.
He is also raising money to open a queer Bar/Cafe!

OOC Notes

A Message From the Player...

Vatii is written to be a character that is outgoing, friendly, and someone I aspire to be more like.... I am not there yet. So please don't take it personally if you reach out to RP and I'm a little slow to respond, or silent. It's nothing personal, I'm just awkward or could be missing the messages entirely.But, if you do catch me on a confident day, I like hanging out at clubs and dancing, doing pvp, and just generally being silly.Minors, please don't interact, 18+ only. For the adults out there, it takes me a while to warm up to someone enough to do ERP, so if I say no to that, again, no hard feelings meant.If you came here from any of the other socials, all the same applies, I can be a little awkward and nervous about asking to collab, but if you are interested and have an idea, feel free to reach out! Might not get to it right away, but I'll try to muster up the courage to respond as soon as I can.

Personal Head Canons

These are the head canons I stick to in writing and RP. If you don't agree, no worries! We can just skirt around them and have fun ;)- The period between ARR and the EW I estimate as about 2 years.- The Warrior of Light is not necessarily a single person. When interacting with multiple players outside of MSQ I think of "Warrior of Light" as a special designation for a soldier with the echo and the ability to slay Primals. Kind of like a special branch of the military, seal team 6 style. We're all WoL's fighting in the same war, equally!- The Dotharl are a polyamorous, gender-fluid society. The Duskmother is mother to them all. They don't see their sires as parents, just a member of their blood brood. They follow the "it takes a village" mentality, and acknowledge each other as a sort of extended family while siblings and teachers are chosen, since the whole past life thing can make family trees confusing and weird. (I could seriously write a whole paper just on my own made up lore)